
Is It True That You Can't Get Ink Out Of Carpet?

November 25, 2007

Exactly how much ink does an ink pen contain?
Can you really get ink out of carpet?
How does ink get on the TOP of the dog?

I learned the answers to these questions this weekend;

Exactly how much ink does an ink pen contain? "A lot."

Can you really get ink out of carpet? "Not so much."

How does ink get on the TOP of the dog? "By rolling in it."



True, again.

I was showering, the dogs were blocked in the family room with access to the patio and doggie door, they were left for maybe 20 minutes as they are every morning... The pen was on the dining room table, not near the edge. Google searches indicated that rubbing alcohol was the best thing to use, I found that it got a lot of the ink out, but not all of it. Spot Shot seemed to work better, but only on untreated spots. Folex claimed to work on ink, but by the time I got some, I didn't have any untreated area to test and it did not seem to get much more out of the previously treated spots. Alcohol on a washcloth got the ink off the dogs with little effort. At least I was smart enough to put on rubber gloves to protect my skin.

The moral of the story - 1 Ink pen + 1 teething, naughty puppy = a Truely BAD Combination!

Believe it or not these are the same dogs just one day earlier…

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